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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Be Kind to your Elders

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I have one other cute waving story. My mom, sisters, Addie, and I went to Kohls on Sunday to check it out. There were a TON of people there, and I was just looking, not shopping, so I basically just hung out in the aisles with Addie while my family shopped. Well, Addie and I were standing there, and I realized she was looking at something behind me. I turned to see what had captured her attention, and realized it was the cutest elderly man. She was making funny faces at him, and waving up a storm. He thought this was the greatest thing he had ever seen! Then his even cuter wife came up, and also thought Addie was great. She was talking with her, and waving back to her. The wife asked me "Do you think she'll come to me?" Now, usually I don't hand my child to complete strangers, but how could I deny this cute old lady. And besides, what was she going to do, sprint away with Addie?! So, I let her hold her. Addie was pretty good with her for about a minute, and then realized she had no clue who the heck these people were, and wanted to come back to me. The elderly couple was so happy to have even gotten a minute of baby time. So cute, and sweet.