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Friday, July 3, 2009

25 Random Things...Day 2

11. I would like to travel more, but I hate to fly.

12. I love waking up early, like 5:00 am early, but not on workdays, just on the days where I can relax in my pjs while drinking coffee and surfing the Internet.

13. I make lists, for everything. I kept my lists from the past 5 days, and here is what it looks like! Yikes!

14. Online shopping is a huge weakness. Not only for me, but for Miss Addie too. It doesn't feel like you are spending money!

15. I will paint all my furniture in my house black if my husband would let me. I don't know what it is about black furniture, but I like it. I can put a whole bunch of mismatched stuff in the same room and since its all a similar color, it works!

16. My handwriting is terrible. I wish it was pretty and loopy, but its not. It's ugly and scribbly.

17. I used to wear heels everyday to work, every single day. I did this because my students were all just about the same height as me, so this way I would be taller than them. Well this year, I had a class of giants! And I wore flats for the last 4 months of school.

18. I secretly wish I had brown hair, but I'm too chicken to try it.

19. When I ran track in high school, I hated running. I only did it because it was a social sport :) Now, I am training for a 1/2 marathon, and am actually enjoying it, go figure!
20. I am a self proclaimed "neat freak".

21. Another pet peeve of mine is when people drive with their blinkers on....are they gonna get over or what!

22. I wish my children could have met my grandma.

23. I hate feet! They are gross! Cover them with a cute pair of shoes though, and I'm ok with them.

24. Ok, I admit. I check Facebook and Myspace about 50 times a day.

25. I hope all of my kids look exactly like their daddy.