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Thursday, July 2, 2009

25 Random Things....Day 1

So, I have seen many people do these on Facebook, and I always thought about doing one, but never could find the motivation. I have been feeling a little uninspired lately on the blog, so I decided give this a shot, and to do a "25 things, with pictures". It's going to take me a few days to get these done, so for now, here's Day 1.

1. I love RED coffee cups. I don't know when my obsession for these things started, but I don't drink coffee out of any other color cups, at home at least. It makes the coffee taste better, really, it does!

2. There are many jobs that I wish I could do. More than I can think of. I would love to be an interior designer (I do wish I had a ton of rooms, and a ton of money, so I could decorate them all), a hairdresser, a chef (watch out Rachel Ray), a photographer, a seamstress (not patient enough though), a professional scrapbooker (is that a job?)...I love my job though, and would miss is SO much if I didn't do it, so for now, I just have a ton of hobbies:)

3. I have a little bit of an obsession with old windows and doors. I have collected a ton, over 70, of these and have used them to decorate many rooms in my house. This is my latest project...
4. Friday Coffee. Every Friday during the school year I treat myself to coffee from Starbucks. It's my treat to myself for getting through another week. I usually bring coffee from home, but it always is better when someone else makes it.

5. Hydrangeas. I think these are the most beautiful flowers. We were fortunate enough to have 4 of these beautiful bushes in our back yard when we bought our house. If I could go back and redo our wedding, these would be the only flowers we would have. If only they smelled good....

6. I'm still not so sure about living "in town". The cars, the neighbors, the nosy people driving by to see if you're home....all a little bit annoying.
7. Our dogs, our original children, are the best dogs ever. Every day both Mikey and I both say something about Max, and how he would have liked something, or how Addie would have liked to do this or that with him.

8. I am not a water dog, I have never claimed to be, but I love going to places with water....the beach, the river, the lake, a pool....I just don't want to go in. It has to be super hot, or I have to be wakeboarding, to go in. I might need Natalie to come play "otters" with me to get me to take the plunge.
9. I am glad that all of the big work is done in the back yard. We have spent hours upon hours removing old bushes and trees, reshaping, composting, and planting. Now we can just sit and enjoy the pretty flowers, and the birds and butterflies they attract.

10. One of my newest pet peeves, I have many, is when people don't spell words correctly on Facebook or Myspace or in texts. I also really don't like the whole "text language". I guess it's my English teacher coming out, but just spell words correctly, and if you don't know how to spell them, use a different word!