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Saturday, June 20, 2009

5 Months

Addie is 5 months old today, and she is doing so many more things in the past few weeks, here are a few.

  • She is sleeping for 2-3 hour stretches in her crib during the day.

  • She can hold her own bottle, and put it back in her mouth when it falls out.

  • She can sit up without help for a few minutes at a time.

  • She is making the funniest little giggle. She does it every few minutes, usually for no apparent reason.

  • She wants her own Blackberry. She loves ours!

  • She loves her little jumper that hangs from the door frame, even though we are totally sick of the songs.

  • She can almost roll over from her back to her tummy, she just needs to get over her shoulder.