2 Years Old
Today you are two, and we can hardly believe how fast the time has gone by. It really does seem like just yesterday that we were in the hospital enduring a loooong labor waiting for you to come into the world, and now you are this little person brimming with personality and such a zest for life. These past two years have been filled with love and happiness, and we couldn't love you more.
Recently we have been seeing a lot of the "terrible twos", and have even been doing time out, not so sure if it works though, because if we ask you if you need to go to time out, you excitedly shake your head and say "uh huh!" Nice. You are such a wonderful sister to Taylor, and have been surprisingly helpful lately. You also might be a little mommy in the making....you have been really good at putting dirty laundry in the hamper, and whenever there is stuff out of place in the house, you run around screaming "mess" until someone cleans it up:)
You are talking so much, and my newest favorite saying is "here Momma" which you say with such a high pitched tone and sweet face.
We can't wait to see what this year has in store for you, hopefully some potty training and sleeping in happen, but mostly we hope for you to continue being the happy girl you are:)
Love, Mommy and Daddy
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