23 Months...

Dear Addie,
Today you are 23 Months old, can you believe it?! This last month has been quite life changing for us all, and you have handled it so well. You are loving being a big sister to "your" baby Tay as you like to call her. You like to give love and hugs, and sometimes try to smother her with kisses (literally)! Most of the time you could really care less about her though, and just want to have your normal life and routine.
This month has been a very loud month. Between you learning a new word everyday, and throwing those super fun terrible two tantrums, our ears have been ringing! Even with the tantrums, you continue to be a loving, sweet little person. We are so proud of your accomplishments and are loving hearing your little words and watching you explore the world. The cutest words you say lately begin with the letter "c", which you pronounce as a "t", words like "touch = couch" and "tat = cat". You have also found a love for all things Disney princess, so cute and fun!
It's amazing that next birthday post will be your 2 year old birthday! You make our life better each and every day, and we love you more than words can say :)
Mommy and Daddy