22 Months

In just two short months we will end the "monthly" birthdays, and just have yearly, or biyearly birthday posts, seems so strange that you will be two years old soon! This past month has been full of ups and downs, mostly ups though, which we appreciate :) You continue to grow and explore your surroundings, you are quite the curious one, and are constantly into everything. You are figuring out more and more how things work, and are constantly trying to do things all by yourself.
A HUGE thing that happened this month was you peeing on the potty! You are not quite potty trained, but enjoy the attention you get when you try!
You are such a lovey little person, always having a hug or blowing a kiss to most people, and animals too. You are going to have quite a change in your routine as you become a big sister in the next few days, and you keep telling us that the new baby's name should be "NoNo"....we're working on that :)
Here are some things that you like, and don't like right now...
- Disney movies-Toy Story, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Bolt, Little Mermaid
- Climbing. Climbing on bookshelves, tables, chairs, stairs, your crib. You think that you are a monkey, and when we catch you doing it, you make a monkey noise and laugh :)
- Cuddling on the couch before bed.
- Baths with bubbles being blown at you, it was the only way we could get you in the tub for the past week.
- Dora.....still.
- Choosing your own clothes.
- Taking off your diapers.
- Going pee in the potty, and wasting rolls of toilet paper in the process.
- Pretending to fall by putting your arms out and saying "whoa whoa" and falling down, and then cracking up at yourself.
- Going to bed. It's been a battle for the last week or so.
- Sleeping past 6:30....working on that one.
- Chicken Nuggets. What kid doesn't like chicken nuggets?!
- When a movie is over. You would think the world was over!
- Longer car rides. Can't quite make it to Arcata without tears.
- When Macey tries to take anything that's yours.
- When anyone tries to take anything that's yours!
Here are some fun pics from the past month!
Being Dorothy on Halloween

Carving Pumpkins

Hanging out with Daddy


Awesome pics Megan. I have a blogspot blog too.c check it out www.somethingdifferentfordinner.blogspot.com
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