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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

21 Months

Dear Addie,
You are 21 months old today, and doing so many fun exciting things! You have become quite the Momma's girl during the past month with me home with you day in and day out. Lately this has been quite overwhelming for me, but we are learning to work on not climbing up my leg like a ladder :) You are practicing being a big sister, and love to take care of your baby. I have no doubt that you will be a fantastic big sister, because you have such an awesome ability to love.

You can say so many things I'm not even going to begin to list them, but the newest words are diaper, snack, flower, and blue. Blue is a universal word for many different things, so it is always a mystery as to what you actually want when you say "bu". You have also turned into quite the little climber. You love to climb on just about anything, especially bookshelves, dining room chairs, and your changing table. Just the other day it was eerily quiet in the house and I found you laying on your changing table enjoying a snack of Desitin....yuck! Another thing you are trying to do is jump. You have the right idea, but actually getting your feet off the ground, now that's another story. We love to watch you try, it is so cute, and so funny!

We can't wait to see what this next month has in store for you. It's going to be one filled with many, many changes, and you might possibly be a big sister by your next monthly birthday!
Love You,
Mommy and Daddy