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Saturday, February 20, 2010

13 Months

Dear Addison,
Today is your 13 month old birthday, and boy the time has flown by! You are turning into such a wonderful little person, with personality for days. You love your dada the most and would go to him over anyone else. You love giving love and wet kisses that sometimes are bites. You have the sweetest disposition and are just plain ol' happy. You make us happy with your silly ways, you toothy grin, and your giggles that brighten up our lives. You started running this month, and its usually after you have taken something from us that you're not supposed to have. You are also such a chatter box, always talking your own little language. Your favorite real words to say are "dada or daddy" and "more". You went on your first big vacation this month to Mexico, and were such a good girl the whole time. We love you so much and can't wait to see what this next month with hold.
