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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1 Year

One year ago....that is what we have been saying all day, and actually for the past few days. One year ago, we couldn't have imagined what was in store for us. The wonder, the love, the greatness that is Addie. She is more than we could have ever hoped for. She is truly amazing, the light of our lives, the piece that has made our family whole. She is an amazing person, and we are so lucky to have her in our lives. She can make a bad day better, and make a good day great. She is love in its purest form. She makes us better people, and she has taught us so much.

This past year has been beyond our wildest dreams. There is no way we could have prepared for what was in store for us. It hasn't always been pretty, and sometimes it's harder than you thought it could be. But, it's worth it. Every minute of it.

In this 12th month of Miss A's life, she has learned so much.

  • She is no longer just "walking", she is walking with a purpose, and sometimes running!
  • She knows so much. She knows book, Macey, Mom, Dad, "hola", horse, Harriet, Mr.Bear, bye bye, bottle, and many more things too!
  • She can say a few words, her favorites being "dada" "ball" "more" and "mmmmmum" which means "food",not mom!
  • She is sleeping so well. 10-12 hours at a time. It took a little work, but it was worth it in the end. It has been a long time since we have slept more than 4 hours at a time.
  • She is eating a ton of solid food, and only having a few bottles a day.
  • She weighs 18 pounds 14 ounces, not quite big enough for a front facing car seat, but we're getting closer.
  • She can "give love" my absolute favorite of all. She gives loves by throwing her arms around something, and snuggling up to it. Thank you to her daddy for teaching her this!

Here is our 1 year old eating her birthday cake!