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Monday, December 14, 2009

Adventures in Christmas Shopping...{Humboldt County Children's Photographer}

Yesterday I thought it would be a good day to get my Christmas shopping done, since I really had been being a slacker on getting anything bought this year. I knew it was going to be busy, and I prepared myself for that. I took Miss A so we could hang out, and to give Mikey a break. Easy enough, right? Wrong! The day started out OK, we went to Kohls, where they have shopping carts with little baby seats, and she had just woken up from a nap, so she was happy as a clam. Then I, stupidly, decided that we could walk down the mall to some other stores. Half way there, my arms are burning flames because the bags I'm carrying, along with the child I'm carrying, are feeling like they weigh 100 pounds each! So I quickly got what I needed, and tried to leave, but I saw a ton of people I knew, and each one wanted to talk and coo at Addie. I had sweat dripping down my face. Then, it was on to other stores without shopping carts, and also without what I wanted. By this time I can feel the knot in my back growing by the minute, and all I can think of is "Why didn't I bring a stroller?" Moving on to the next store. I went in for something specific, and the sales lady proceeds to follow me and hammer me with questions about what I was buying and telling me I need to get this and that to go along with it, couldn't she see that I knew what I wanted. She also thought Addie was the cutest baby ever and I'm pretty sure she tried to keep me in the store just so she could oogle over her. And they didn't have shopping carts either. Now, on to Target, my favorite store ever, a store with shopping carts! For the most part Target was a successful trip, and I got most of the stuff I had left on my list there. About 20 minutes left in my shopping there, Addie starts getting fussy. Not just "I'm hungry" fussy, but "I hate you Mom and I want to leave now" fussy. I tried giving her things to play with, I even showed her one of her Christmas presents early, nothing worked. I finished super quickly and ran to the checkout counters....where there were at least 20 people in each line! I looked around frantically for someone who would take pity on me and let me cut to the front of the line, no luck. So I walked to the jewelery counter, where the checker was doing nothing, and asked her to check me out. In less than 5 minutes we were out of there! On a positive note, I did get the best parking spots ever, and I saw lots of people I hadn't seen in a while, and I got all of my shopping done in less than 5 hours! Yay me :)


These Are The Days of Our Lives December 21, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

I can completely relate to that! We're ready to schedule another play date if you have time during the busy busy holidays! Hope you're feeling better and enjoying your break!