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Sunday, December 20, 2009

11 Months...(Humboldt County Children's Photographer)

I say it on the 20th of every is she growing so fast?! I really can't believe that in 1 month from today she will be a year old, it is too soon! This past month has been full of fun, and full of milestones! We have a walker, actually a runner, now, and an almost talker haha:) Addie loves staying at home with Dad and he loves it too! Here's some of the new things that Addie can do at 11 months...

  • Walk! She learned to walk on November 28th while I was off on Thanksgiving break. Once she started she hasn't stopped!

  • She knows many word meanings, like dada, mama, Macey, bottle, book, NO, Santa, juice, more, and ducky.

  • Kiss. She gives these huge open mouth kisses that are so sweet.

  • She also kisses her doll at my mom's house :)

  • She loves to be chased by her dad. I think it's the highlight of her day when he says "I'm gonna get you!" She squeals for joy and runs as fast as she can away from him, laughing the whole time.

  • Point. At the end of last month she was pointing, but now she is pointing at things and looking at us for an explanation of what that thing is. Very cool.

  • Entertain herself. She is getting much better at this. She is finding ways to play and using her toys in the way they were intended, not just as chew things. She loves going through her basket of toys and examining them and playing with them.

  • She has discovered the pots and pans below the oven. I think this is something every child does, and it is so dang funny....but loud!

  • She also thinks it's funny to head butt people. It's not, she needs to stop :)

  • It is so cute how she can stand up on her own now. Before she needed to pull herself up on something to be able to stand and walk, now she puts her head on the ground, sticks her butt in the air, and squats until she has enough strength to lift herself up, it's so funny to watch!

  • Equally as funny and as cute to watch is her picking something up off of the floor. It takes great effort and she reminds me of an 85 year old bending down to pick something up!

We love the little person Addie is becoming and couldn't be happier with our lives with her in it. She brings joy to each and every moment, and we can not wait to see what this month has in store for us!
