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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

I have been reading everyone's Facebook posts lately about what they are thankful for, and it has made me consider the things I am thankful for. It is kind of annoying that we only spend one day a year expressing our thankfulness, it should be an everyday thing. My hope with my blog was to show my thanfulness each and every day, and I am going to try to continue with this. But today, Thanksgiving, I am very thankful.

Thankful for Life. For creating life, for living life, for inspiring lives. I love living my life, and I hope other people in my life are thankful for me.

Thankful for Love. For sharing my love, for receiving love, for showing others how to love.

Thankful for Happiness. For all the things that bring me happiness, for showering others with my happiness, for encouraging others to be happy and look for the good. For others encouraging me to be happy on those bad days. For the ability to know what true happiness is.

I am Thankful.