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Friday, November 20, 2009

10 Months

This past month has been a fussy one. I don't know why, but Miss A has been a little bit of a grump. Not always, but she is just seeming fussier....or more demanding :)

She can do so many new things though! She can almost walk, she says "whasthat" in her cute little whispery voice, she can open drawers and pull everything out :), she is quite the daredevil and frequently tries to bail off the couch, she LOVES Mikey's whistle and has learned to blow it, and she is eating much more solid food and thinks its hilarious to spit it out on the person feeding her!

We're still having a hard time wrapping our heads around the fact that in just 2 months she will be 12 months!

Here's an pic from her 10th month:)
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