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Monday, October 5, 2009

What Have We Been Doing?!

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We had such a fun weekend! On Friday was the big Milkcan Game, which was very exciting, we won! Addie wasn't that into the game, and only wanted to stand, which was kind of annoying, but oh well. She got the cutest new jacket from Kyle and Felicia which she loves, and was super cozy on the warm night. On Saturday we had a "do nothing day and don't get out of your pjs until 3" kind of day. And we had the Ivanhoe for dinner, yummy! Sunday we hung out, I made a quick trip to Eureka on a mission to buy baby gates not that Addie is basically crawling everywhere and getting into everything! We had our first fire of the season, and made mini-pumpkin pies :) Addie also got 3 more teeth in the matter of 3 days!