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Monday, October 12, 2009

Now, This, Is Love

To say there was a sickness at our house this weekend would be an understatement. It all started when Mikey got sick before leaving for the football game, thinking it was from his surgery and being too weak to be on his feet for a long time, he came home, still not feeling well, and laid on the couch. I didn't think much of it at the time ( my un-sensitivity I guess ). Then his sister and mom came over. The moment they came in, they made a bee-line for the bathrooms, and came out a very green color. Hmm, strange, I thought. They left, Mikey napped, Addie and I got pizza :). Then we got a phone call saying that not only were Mikey's mom and sister sick, but his dad, brother, and my niece and nephew were also sick, strange. Addie and I were fine, so I wasn't too worried. Then, 9:00 rolls around. By this time, Mikey has been sick a few times, which is a difficult thing 3 days after surgery when you re stuck in a machine on the floor. So, I did my wifely duties and cleaned up the puke bowl, thinking the whole time "This, is love". Well, 9:00 sharp, Addie is already asleep, and I hear her cough. Thinking that it was strange that she was coughing, she didn't have cough earlier, I went to check on her. There was puke everywhere! So I cleaned her up, cleaned up her bedding, and started my firs load of laundry of the night( I did 6 total). Basically the rest of my night went like this, puking on the hour, cleaning up the puke bowl, trying to sooth a sick baby who has no clue what is going on. And as I was sitting there, covered in puke, holding Addie, I thought "No, THIS, is what love is"
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