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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

9 Months

IMG_1342 copy9 months is how long she grew inside of me. 9 months is how long we anxiously waited. 9 months is how long we planned, cleaned, painted, and prepared. 9 months is how long we hoped and prayed for this perfect child. 9 months is how long I felt her heart next to mine. Nine months seemed to be an eternity. How could she be 9 months old? As I grapple with this concept, I feel more full of love for this child than I ever thought I could. For nine months our lives have been better. For nine months we have experienced real joy. For nine months our hearts have been full. For nine months our laughter has been genuine. For nine months, we have been tired, but never complained. For nine months, I have been amazed by my husband. For nine months, we couldn't imagine what life was like before.

Here's some of Miss A's newest accomplishments

  • She is a copycat. She loves to mimic people and then wait for their reaction. She especially loves copying coughing, patting her hands on something, and laughing.
  • She is a bulldozer. This girl is a toughie! She rarely goes around something, she just goes over things, with her head down, and she doesn't stop until she has reached her destination.
  • She loves books. There have been many times that she has been playing in her room, and it has gotten too quiet, so I go in to check on her to see what trouble she has gotten into, and she is just innocently looking at a book :)
  • Wave. Its her princess wave, and if the shoe fits....
  • She has been making this gasping sound a lot! At first it kind of freaked me out, because it sounds like there's something in her throat, but this is her way of squealing with excitement I guess!
  • She has 5 teeth! And those puppies are sharp!
  • She has been crinkling her nose all the time, and its just about the cutest thing ever.

We go to the doctor tomorrow for her 9 month checkup, so we'll see how much this dainty girl weighs :)