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Monday, September 7, 2009

Night One in the Crib

We were prepared. We put the crib on its lowest level. She had Mr Bear, and her Glow Worm to keep her company. The monitors were charged. We put her to bed, in her crib, which was harder for me than her. We went to bed too, and laid there listening to the hum of the noiseless room below. Then, a wail. Not a normal,"My pacifier fell out, could you please put it back in" wail, but a different one. I went to check on her, put the paci back in, and it seemed to do the trick. Went back to bed. Not 2 minutes later, the same wail. Mikey's turn. This time the paci did not do the trick. He and I switched off comforting this sad baby for 2 hours until she fell back asleep, in her cradle, upstairs. Oh well, there's always tonight.
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