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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ch Ch Ch Cheerios

So, I got this email a few days ago saying that Miss Addie was now old enough to try some finger foods, things like cheerios and baby cookies, so today I thought I would try this out. She is always, always putting things into her mouth, and I figured she would really like this! I put her in her Bumbo, and filled her tray up with cheerios, and at first she thought this was great, she flapped her arms and made funny noises at the sight of some new stuff in front of her. But, when she went to pick them up and eat them, she, and I, quickly realized that they were too small for her hands. She did manage to get a few into her mouth, but the majority of them ended up on the floor, which Macey liked (that dog needs to go on a diet). Miss A decided that it was more fun to push the cheerios off the tray than eat them! When I took her out of her Bumbo, there were at least 30 cheerios under her! Guess she was saving them for later:)