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Monday, August 24, 2009

7 Months, 4 days later

I'm four days late for this post, but who can blame me? I've been busy! So, Miss A is now 7 months old! I'm still in denial about her being closer to being 1 than a newborn! She is so hilarious, right now, she is on the floor of the office, laying on her back, kicking the exercise ball back and forth against the wall while eating a baby cookie! What a multi-tasker :) Here's some other things she can do....

  • Crawl. It's still not very coordinated, but she can get from point a to point b, and we have to watch her every move, so that's all that matters!

  • Roll over in her cradle. She has been able to roll over for a while now, but she never has done it in her cradle, so we have kept her sleeping in it, instead of the crib. Well, the other morning I woke up and she was on all fours, staring at me! I think she's ready for the crib, but I'm not sure I'm ready for her to be in it!

  • Eat. And eat and eat and eat! She loves her peaches and applesauce! And she is getting more fond of sweet potatoes too! And my mom has been feeding her baby biscuits, and she says she likes them too! All of this fruit has sure helped her her pooping problem!

  • Talk. Not real talk, but lots and lots of baby talk, usually followed by a big strawberry noise!

  • Jump. In her jumper, that is. She could jump for days in that thing!

  • Laugh. The best sound, ever.

  • Teeth. She has two tiny white teeth that just poked through last week. I am a little sad that the gummy baby smile is gone, but the little teeth are so cute, that I'm feeling ok about it.

Here she is, only 2 weeks old, she doesn't even look like the same baby!