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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Snot :)

Snotty noses on kids have always grossed me out, they just always have. I don't know if it's the teacher in me, or the obsessive cleaner, but they just made me cringe. I have always looked at those kids, and their parents, thinking "Why don't the wipe them?!" And I always wondered how on earth they could let their kids slather them with snot and boogers? I always have said things like, "My kids will never have snotty noses" or "I'll never be able to handle having snot on me"

Well, Miss Addie has a super runny nose, and I am eating my words! Her nose is like a faucet, and I have given up on wiping it every 5 minutes. And the truth is, I actually don't care. She is just as sweet and wonderful as she is without the snot, and I don't even mind kissing her little face when it's covered with snot.

Here she is playing outside in the brief sunshine we got on Wednesday.