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Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Typical Day

Being on summer break is really great! I love being able to spend the morning in my pjs and hang out with the cutest girl on the planet! Here's a look at a typical summer day, so far, that is.

6:00 AM- I wake up, drink coffee, and spend some time on the computer.

7:00ish AM- Mikey yells at me from upstairs, which means the monster is up :)

7:00-8:30 AM- Diaper change, bottle, and play time. Usually rotating between her 3 favorite toys.

8:30-10:00ish- Nap! This is when I actually get stuff done. Clean up, shower, do some Facebooking and Myspacing, laundry, make breakfast, pay bills, watch Today.

10:00-12:00- More diapers, another bottle, and more playtime. Hopefully by this time it's sunny out and we can go play in the backyard. She loves to go in her bouncer in the lawn and watch Macey run around, it is VERY exciting for her!

12:00- Another bottle, and time for a long nap.

12:00-3:00-Addie's long nap. This is my relaxing time. I can go outside and work in the yard, blog, edit some pictures, fold the laundry from the morning, bake, read, and do nothing if I feel like it.

3:00-5:00 Even more diapers, and another bottle. Playtime, and if it's Tuesday or Wednesday, a run with Felicia. Addie is starting to like these runs more, because her stroller was adjusted so she can now see where we are going.

5:00 Another short nap. I start dinner.

6:00-8:00 Addie is up and at 'em! She will sit in her Bumbo on the kitchen counter and watch me make dinner. Hopefully Mikey comes home around now, and they will play. We will eat dinner, and clean up. Mikey and Addie play some more, she has a bottle, and maybe a bath, and then hits they hay!

8:00-10:00- Mikey and I will hang out, usually watch a movie, or something on TV, sports if he gets his way, and then we wake Addie up at 10:00 for a bottle. We have thought of letting her sleep and not giving her the bottle, but we don't want her to wake up at 4:00 AM hungry and mad, so we feed her.

10:00ish- We go to bed!

Even though I love being home, Summer is just long enough for me. I don't think I would like being a stay-at-home mom. I am a pretty busy person, and I would totally be bored. Oh, and we would totally be poor!


Audra June 28, 2009 at 1:42 PM  

I like this one! It helps me think that being a mom isn't too bad-or scary! This sounds like a day I might live.